I.V. Therapy
I.V Therapy helps with many overall health benefits. This is one of the fastest ways to get essential nutrients into your body, help health conditions, natural energy booster, while maintaining healthy weight as well. The benefits of I.V. Therapy also help your immune system to become stronger and helps regenerate the growth of your cells through your body.
I.V. Menu

Rehydrate I.V.
Ingredients: Normal Saline
Price: $ 95
Infinite Immunity
Ingredients: B Complex, B12, Vitamin C, and Glutathione
Price: $150
Ingredients: B Complex, Biotin, Vitamin c, and Glutathione
Price: $170
Infinite Energy
Ingredients: B Complex, B12, and Vitamin C
Price: $120
Workout Recovery
Ingredients: B Complex, B12, Vitamin C, Glutathione, and Magnesium
Price: $180
Myers I.V.
Ingredients: Magnesium, Calcium, B-Complex, Thiamine, and Glutathione
Price: $200
All Inclusive I.V.
Ingredients: Myers Mix, Glutathione, Biotin, and Lipo
Price: $275
Nad +
Price: $700
Nad + with Boost
Ingredients: Nad +, Fat Burner, and Performance Vitamins
Price: $1000
All IV Prices Are With 100ML Fluid Bag (With The Exception of NAD + in a 500ML Bag) Larger Bags are Available for an Additional Cost